An image of a young man's face in black and white, surrounded by various colorful characters above his head, each with a unique expression and style. Below the face, there are multiple figures in dynamic poses, suggesting movement or performance.

Movement and Healing – Workshops Ahead!

Movement is the song of the body.

Neal Skoy – Improvisation Actor – Workshop Presenter

Neal’s background is in physical comedy and clowning — the roots of which, in practice, emphasize Optimism, Play, Vulnerability, Observational Skills, and Emotional Intelligence. The workshop will delve into the importance of each of these elements and sharpening our personal senses of humor in the face of adversity and absurdity. Neal’s inspirations include: Brene Brown, Laurel & Hardy, Dr. Patch Adams, Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin, Robin Williams, and Slava Polunin. Neal’s website can be found here.

To RSVP for this workshop, please do so here!

This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

A partnership flyer displaying logos for ThinkSelf, Minnesota Deaf Adult Education & Advocacy, and the Clean Water Land & Legacy Amendment. It acknowledges the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council grant funded by the voters of Minnesota, supporting arts and cultural heritage. The bottom features playful illustrations of diverse characters in dynamic poses.

For image descriptions, please click here.

National Developmental Disability Awareness Month

A blue graphic with the text "WE'RE ALL IN FOR INCLUSION" and icons representing American Sign Language, a person with a cane, a wheelchair user, and a head symbolizing cognitive diversity.

National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month (D.D.A.M.), observed throughout March, is a nationwide event to raise awareness about the inclusion of people with developmental disabilities and address the barriers that those with disabilities face. Inclusion is necessary since about 15% of the world’s population lives with a disability. D.D.A.M. is about understanding the relationship between the way people function and how they participate in society and making sure everybody has the same opportunities in every aspect of life to the best of their abilities. (Source).

ICYMI: ThinkSelf Store

ThinkSelf is rolling out a fun endeavor to flex our creative muscles and get the community well-dressed and fashionable! 

For $5.00 off, go here!

DSA and Advocacy

Do you need someone to talk to?  
Are you looking for emergency shelter or resources? 
Do you have questions about our adult education program or volunteering
Call us at 651-829-9089
9am-5pm Monday-Friday (except holidays)

We are here for you!

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Video description:
Curt, who has a beard, glasses and a polo shirt, sits in front of a window with trees visible.

Transcript: ThinkSelf periodically sends out email announcements about events and other news. If you’re interested in getting on the list, type this address into your browser:

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Overhead view of a table with multiple people working on laptops, using phones, and taking notes.