ThinkSelf Closed New Year’s Day

ThinkSelf will be celebrating the start of the New Year by closing our office for the day. Give us a call on our Video Phone hotline: 651-829-9089 from 9am-3pm, Monday-Friday with the exception of the holidays.

If you need help, the Day One Crisis Line 24/7 is available for you:

Phone: 866-223-1111
Text: 612-399-9995
Online Chat:
Emergency? Please call 911.
The Deaf Hotline 24/7 VP: 855-812-1001

Our Year in Numbers

At the start of the New Year, ThinkSelf usually takes this time to look forward to the upcoming year, laying out our hopes and dreams for growth in our community. 2024, however, had it’s own set of challenges and big changes (We miss you Curt, Asma, and Steph!).

With change, a reflection on what we were able to accomplish the previous year seems appropriate.

Adult Education Classes:

We welcomed Sarah Houge as our new Education Coordinator.

Our class has grown from average of 13.4 to 17.3 learners.

Contact hours for the month of December have increased from 549.75 to 733.75, showing a steady increase of learners served each month.

Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Advocacy:

Our advocates worked with 25 participants on average per month from January 1st to December 1st.

For the grant reporting year of 2023-2024, ThinkSelf worked with 77 participants with 3 new participants per month on average.

With 956 individual sessions throughout the year, 645.57 contact hours with our participants were logged.

Prevention… Stay Tuned!

ThinkSelf was awarded a grant that would shift a focus on a reactive approach to harm, to a proactive approach. As this program is new, we look forward to reporting a positive outcome at the end of 2025!

Stay Informed:

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ThinkSelf’s mission is to offer resources, education & support to Minnesota Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing adults seeking full access to options for learning, safety, and community.